
Archives of products that are no longer in the catalog CapoeiraShop. If you would like to order any of these items, please contact us. If the item is still produced by our suppliers, we can order it for you. Attention delays often of several weeks (import Brazil). Thank you for your understanding.

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RUM Atabaque Busca Longe

RUM Atabaque of high quality, manufactured in the workshop of Busca Longe São Paulo (global standard). Genuine leather (cowhide). Peroba wood varnish Rose (best for making atabaques). Solid rope and hoop iron. His impeccable. Comes with wooden foot. Neat package.

Berimbau - Mestre Cavaco

Berimbau made by Mestre Cavaco (Capoeira Angola) based in Sao Paulo. The latter is a recognized craftsman for the manufacture of Capoeira instruments. Varnished instrument (wood and calabash). Biriba wood. Sold complete with its arame, baguette, caxixi and pebble.

Reco-Reco Bambou

Reco-reco handcrafted bamboo and good manufacturing (Mestre Busca Longe) specially designed for Capoeira and particularly for Capoeira Angola. Sold with a tucum rod.

CD Lua Rasta : Roda Do Terreiro

CD of Capoeira Angola recorded by Mestre Lua Rasta (Salvador de Bahia). The amazing energy of Lua Rasta in the CD roda!Duration: 46 minutes.CAUTION: CDs and DVDs are the only items on the site that are neither taken back nor exchanged (Fight against copying). Thank you for your understanding.

Berimbau - Natural Busca Longe

Berimbau made by Busca Longe, a craftsman / Brazilian capoeira installed in São Paulo and specialized in the manufacture of instruments of Capoeira. Excellent quality. perfect finish. A world reference.Easy to arm themselves. This is varnish (wood and gourd).

Lua Rasta's Agogo

Agogo of castagne manufactured in Lua Rasta workshop in the Pelourinho in Salvador de Bahia. Entirely hand this agogo offers optimum quality. The finish is neat. The impeccable sound.

Berimbau - Mestre Valmir

Berimbau from the workshop of Mestre Valmir (FICA Bahia). Rigid biriba wood selected with care. Double thickness of leather for a better longevity. The finish is perfect (wood and stick well smooth and straight). The discrete and pretty decoration (pyrography) are the signature of the berimbaus of the Mestre Valmir.The berimbau, calabash and caxixi...

Le Petit Manuel de Capoeira (book + CD)

"Le petit manuel de Capoeira" is the best-selling book in the world on the theme of Brazilian martial art.Mestre Nestor Capoeira, emblematic figure of this art, presents a precise history of the discipline as well as detailed exercises. It also explains the "spirit" of Capoeira.The book (last edition), in French, is accompanied by a bonus audio CD.

Capoeira : L'âme des Guerriers

This book offers you the fruit of more than two years of research, translation and writing. Clémence Rodde (Sozinha), a pupil of the Mestre Cobrinha Verde (Avignon-France), offers us an in-depth study of the origins of Afro-Brazilian Capoeira to modern times in the West. To better understand the latter, to practice it, and to glimpse its current stakes....

Berimbau Busca Longe Red

Berimbau made by Busca Longe, a craftsman / Brazilian capoeira installed in São Paulo and specialized in the manufacture of instruments of Capoeira. Excellent quality. perfect finish. A world reference.Easy to arm themselves. The berimbau is varnished and the calabash is painted red-mahogany.

CD Contra Mestre Rafael de Lemba

Cd + booklet of capoeira angola of the famous contra mestre Rafael de Lemba. An incredible atmosphere. Recording high quality and very lively music. Also the case is very beautiful. A great gift idea for example. Do not miss !