A selection of CDs (music, songs, toques) and DVDs (films, documentaries, etc.) and Capoeira books...

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Book "O Batuque, a luta braba" (Frede Abreu)

This fantastic bilingual book (Portuguese and English) is the result of research carried out for several years by Frede Abreu, the famous researcher, historian and writer who is passionate about the history of capoeira and the Bahian culture that died in 2013. This rare book of Capoeira is no longer published, these are the last copies. Preserved preciously!
Price €95.09
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"Expressão da Arte" May-June 2003

Magazine in pocket format (see photo) of the "Expressão da Arte" collection. Latest copies of the May-June 2003 edition. For collectors or for those who want to know more about Capoeira ...Booklet in Portuguese.
Price €12.25
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DVD Vida de Mandingueiro

DVD directed by the French Cécile Bennegent and Mathias Monarque "Vida de Mandingueiro" [Being Capoeira]. With interviews of Mestres: Toni Vargas, Leopoldina, Garrincha, Gigante, Lua Rasta, Sorriso, Chão, Fred Abreu, Peixinho etc ...52 minutes movie + 1h bonus. See the trailer in the "video" tab.
Price €23.17

"Expressão da Arte" April 2017

Mini magazine of capoeira pocket size of the collection "Expressão da Arte". Last edition (April 2017). For collectors and those who want to know more about Capoeira ... Booklet in Portuguese.
Price €11.23
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Book "Nagé" Fred Abreu

"Nagé, o homem que luto Capoeira até morrer". The last book (posthumous) of Fredérico José de Abreu released in December 2017. Exceptional book of 130 pages in color. Beautiful images and valuable historical content. For history lovers of Capoeira. In Portuguese.
Price €93.40
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Book : Encruzilhadas fotográficas of Marcel Gautherot

From the unpublished photographs of the Frenchman Marcel Gautherot portraying the Bahia capoeira wheels of the 1940s and 1950s, the author discusses this cultural manifestation of African roots investigating its place in that context. It is the symbolic dimension of the bodies that gyrate in the wheel, its language, its statements and its narratives that...
Price €47.07
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CD Mestre Ananias Ao Vivo 2

CD of Mestre Ananias: "Ao Vivo 2". Inescapable character of the world of Capoeira, unparalleled singer, he influenced the rodas of the city of São Paulo with its origins in Bahia. This posthumous work, was made from a recording of Roda de capoeira, live, by her students. Crowdfunding enabled the realization of this project, in tribute to the great Mestre...
Price €24.17
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Book : O Urucungo de Cassange

O Urucungo de Cassange. Book in Portuguese by the historian and capoeirist Dr. Bel. Urucungo or Berimbau is the musical arc used in Capoeira. Josivaldo (Bel Pires) finds evidence of the use of this instrument before its popularization, thanks to rounds of capoeira. The last quarter of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century situate the...
Price €32.92
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Book: Jogo de Angola: Vida e Obra - Mestre Jogo de Dentro

In his book, Jogo de Angola: Vida e Obra, Mestre Jogo de Dentro tells us his story through a captivating story. Anecdotes, memories, quotes ... here is his work. An essential book accessible to the greatest number because it is bilingual: English - Portuguese. Book autographed by the author (Mestre Jogo de Dentro).
Price €32.92
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Book: Capoeira Angola e Ancestralidade - Mestre Jogo de...

"I invite all capoeirista friends, and all admirers of Capoeira Angola, to participate and get to know a little of my work. For 4 years, I have been writing this book, with the aim of transmitting, informing and disseminating Capoeira Angola. I want to record some of my knowledge inherited from Mestre João Pequeno and I hope to contribute with all this...
Price €47.08
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Book Capoeira, Combat Dance

This beautiful hardcover book is perhaps the finest work on capoeira. History, culture, photos, all aspects of capoeira are presented. A must.Book sold in bookstores. Only available online.French book of 192 pages.
Price €46.23
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Book: Bahia Capoeira

A pocket-size to discover or to share the beauty of Capoeira. An original approach to this festive event of the Afro-Brazilian culture ...Fully bilingual: English / French
Price €12.26
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Book Capoeira na Universidade - Mestre Xaréu - Helios Campos

This book "Capoeira na Universidade: uma trajetória de resistência" follows the trajectory of capoeira, an activity marginalized by Brazilian society as it comes from an enslaved class. It addresses its cultural, social, popular and educational values, which favored the approximation of this art with the University.
Price €29.49
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Book Capoeira Afinada

Bárbara Kristensen and Gian C. R. Santos (CM Latino) offer us an in-depth research to understand the different ways of tuning the "bateria" of Capoeira.The book "Capoeira Afinada" seeks to understand the musical tuning of capoeira through history, listening to berimbaus, chants, masters and mestras, understanding the different drum formations. Different...
Price €32.92
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Capoeira ou l'art de lutter en dansant

Cécile Bennegent offers us a study retracing the origins of Capoeira to the present day. One of the first quality French books on the subject. Exit in 2006, this book of Capoeira, become a classic, you will surely learn a lot about Brazilian martial art.
Price €15.05
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Children's Book: Kioni a pequena Mandingueira

Kioni, A pequena Mandingueira - A Lenda do Berimbau Children's book that tells the adventures of little African girl Kioni. Produced by Joana Carneiro Vasconcelos and Paulo Azevedo. A superb gift idea that will allow you to learn Portuguese while traveling. Book in Portuguese - 48 large illustrated pages (28.5cmx24.5cm) See the presentation video below....
Price €17.00
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Book: Manoel Silva Mestre Boca Rica - Historias e Lições...

How did the boy Manoel Silva become Mestre Boca Rica? How was the boy's journey to become Master Boca Rica? How was Mestre Boca Rica's relationship with Mestre Pastinha? Which student of Mestre Pastinha has always enchanted him? Who are the singers of yesterday and today that Mestre Boca Rica loves? Who are the Mestres de Capoeira Angola recognized by...
Price €19.00
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CD Mestres Navegantes : Bahia vol1.2 Capoeira Angola 1

CD Mestres Navegantes : Bahia vol.1. 2019 12 músicas, 1 h 17 min Mestre Felipe, Mestre Curió, Mestre Adó By buying this disc, you financially support the masters who participated in the project. For this collection, which includes three albums from Candomblé (Ketu, Angola and Caboclo, Jêje Mahi and Nagô), two from Capoeira (Angola 1 and Angola 2) and two...
Price €16.18
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Book: Nossos Mestres, Nossa Cultura, Capoeira em Santo...

"Nossos Mestres, Nossa Cultura, Capoeira em Santo Amaro - Bahia" is a book about the roots of capoeira. It tells a bit about the history of the Capoeira masters of the city of Santo Amaro and also the traditional Bembé do Mercado, talks about samba and other cultures of the Brazilian people! It is a book full of historical information. Author: Mestre...
Price €33.08
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Book "A Capoeira dos Tempos de Outrora no Recôncavo Baiano"

The book "The Capoeira of the times of yore in the Recôncavo Baiano" brings up memories about former capoeira players from this very special region located on the outskirts of Bahia de Todos os Santos. Characters such as Besouro Cordão de Ouro and Canário Pardo emerge from this narrative and some of their adventures are revealed. The work also seeks...
Price €24.17

Children's Book: Kioni, The little Mandingueira - The...

Kioni, The little Mandingueira - The legend of Berimbau Children's book that tells the adventures of the little African Kioni. Produced by Joana Carneiro Vasconcelos and Paulo Azevedo. A great gift idea for children. Book in French - 48 large illustrated pages (28.5cmx24.5cm) See the presentation video below. Exists in original version (Portuguese) see...
Price €17.00
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Children's Book: Kioni (Portuguese - Hardcover)

Kioni, A pequena Mandingueira - A Lenda do Berimbau Children's book that tells the adventures of the little African Kioni. Produced by Joana Carneiro Vasconcelos and Paulo Azevedo. A superb gift idea that will allow you to learn Portuguese while travelling. Book in Portuguese - 48 large illustrated pages (28.5cmx24.5cm) - hardcover (like a comic book) See...
Price €22.00
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Book : O Barracão do Mestre Waldemar

Rare! Book "O Barracão do Mestre Waldemar" by Frede Abreu, great historian of Capoeira. 78 pages. Content of great richness and unpublished photographs. A must for enthusiasts. Edition 2017. Language: Brazilian
Price €115.00
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"Improviso de Pastinha" Frede Abreu

Small softcover 33-page book but great content! Frede Abreu (historian and passionate researcher of capoeira among others) gathered some manuscripts of Mestre Pastinha in a booklet. No. 1 of the series "manuscripts". Unique archives to better understand the philosophy of the great Mestre Pastinha.Book translated in 2 languages in the same book (Portuguese...
Price €47.50
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Book: Scrolls Mestre Pastinha

RARE! Book (58 pages) by Greg Downey and Frede Abreu bringing together the writings of Mestre Pastinha (Capoeira Angola), period documents, newspaper clippings, etc. A collector's book with rich content, priceless!
Price €54.90
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Here is our selection of CDs, DVDs and Capoeira's Books ... Find the biggest names in Capoeira on CD and DVD collectors. The books of the greatest masters of capoeira, rare texts, old documents, manuscripts finally available and sometimes even translated into French, English and other languages.