Do you want to buy a quality Capoeira Berimbau at a good price? We offer different models, made in Brazil. For adults or children.
Berimbau Capoeira Regional - Mestre Nenel - Profissional
Berimbau - Valmir Das Biribas
Calabash seed for Berimbau - Natural seed
Biriba wood for Berimbau
Arame Berimbau string - 170 cm
The Berimbau (pronounced berimbao) is a strung string instrument of African origin. Emblem of Capoeira, the latter would have appeared in Brazil during colonization by the Portuguese.
Gunga or Berra-boi (low), Medio (medium) or viola (high) type, this musical arc is played with a stick and a pebble or dobrão (sort of thick metal piece). It can also be accompanied by a caxixi (closed basket in the shape of a bell containing small beads or seeds).
Several toques (rhythms) impose a type of game in the round of Capoeira.
The berimbau controls the roda, it is generally held in hand by the master or the most senior. offers you different berimbaus, at different prices, to choose according to your desires and / or needs. They are all made specifically for the round of capoeira, of a high quality, and carefully packaged to guarantee you great satisfaction.