List of products by brand Casa Mestre Ananias
Mission: To establish itself as a socio-educational and experiential reference center for popular knowledge, cultural and intangible heritage of humanity, in the center of the city of São Paulo. To promote the local development of the community where it operates, with actions that aim at a comprehensive education for children and young people, bringing together family, community and school. In an identity process, to stimulate social integration, citizenship and increased self-esteem, especially among black people, people from the Northeast and their descendants who live in the capital.
Casa Mestre Ananias (CMA) is a space for living, oral transmission and dissemination of the National Cultural Heritage and of Humanity. It is based on Afro-Brazilian popular traditions, with a focus on expressions of Bahian culture developed in the capital of São Paulo, through traditional capoeira and samba de roda.
It is a space where informality and a family-like character are the fundamental ingredients for hosting popular demonstrations for those seeking alternatives to the consumer society.
Here, Capoeira is seen as an educational entity in itself, since its artistic richness and scope, in addition to its strength of resistance and socialization, promote autonomy in the process of individual development.
The Casa is the result of the maturation of a generation of capoeiristas, disciples of Mestre Ananias, who were formed in the early 1990s from the Roda de Capoeira in Praça da República, in São Paulo. Our project began between 1997 and 2000 in the São Judas neighborhood in São Paulo, and reopened in the Bela Vista neighborhood (Bixiga) in 2007, with regular activities since then.
The Associação de Capoeira Angola Senhor do Bonfim (founded by Mestre Ananias in 1953) is the basis for the project and is headquartered at the CMA. There are also the Samba de Roda groups “Garoa do Recôncavo” and the samba group (traditional urban) “Sem Vintém”, in addition to all the cultural and socio-educational initiatives organized.