Our selection of DVDs and Capoeira multilingual subtitles. Capoeira Angola, Capoeira Regional, Contemporary Capoeira, Rodas, documentaries etc ...
DVD directed by the French Cécile Bennegent and Mathias Monarque "Vida de Mandingueiro" [Being Capoeira]. With interviews of Mestres: Toni Vargas, Leopoldina, Garrincha, Gigante, Lua Rasta, Sorriso, Chão, Fred Abreu, Peixinho etc ...52 minutes movie + 1h bonus. See the trailer in the "video" tab.
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Film-Documentary: "A verdadeira história de Besouro...
The documentary, as the title suggests, aims to tell the real facts that involved this great capoeirista Mestre de Santo Amaro, from his birth to the events that followed his death. The documentary is expected to become teaching material, due to the lack of information and resources of this nature in formal education. It is intended that all of the...
We have chosen for you the best! The greatest masters of capoeira, the inevitable DVD, some even rare for sale and bought directly in the Academy of the Master concerned (DVD collector).
By buying DVDs like here you directly support the Academies of Lords. Your money is not going into the pockets of majors / multinationnales, it serves a noble cause: The development of Capoeira.