Generally our pandeiros are size 10 inches (25cm approx) for adults or 8 inches (about 20cm) for children. The weight varies depending on the materials used but all perfectly adapted to the "roda" Capoeira.
Pandeiro for kids - Bahia
Pandeiro Mestre Lua Rasta
Pandeiro Natural Capoeira Shop
Colorful Pandeiro Mestre Lua Rasta
Spare Parts Pandeiro
Pandeiro Mestre Lua Rasta
Pandeiro Capoeira Bahia 10""
Pandeiro Capoeira Regional
The pandeiro (tambourine) was brought to Brazil by the Portuguese colonists but its origin dates back to the period when the Moors occupied the Iberian Peninsula. This percussion instrument is therefore of Arab-Andalusian origin.
Composed of a wooden frame, an animal skin (usually goat) and jingles, the pandeiro is one of the most important instruments for the capoeirista (with the berimbau). Bimba himself made his berimbau roda with 1 and 2 pandeiros.
There are pandeiros with a "skin" synthetic but they are rather used by musicians or samba. In capoeira we prefer to use a traditional manufacturing pandeiro with natural elements. The sound is softer (less metal).
That's why all our pandeiros are animal skin and wood frame.