Looking for a quality capoeira instrument? You are in the right place! All the instruments presented in our shop are made by craftsmen known for their know-how.
Pandeiro for kids - Bahia
Pandeiro Mestre Lua Rasta
Kids Berimbau
Agogo engraved decorated Lua Rasta
Berimbau - Valmir Das Biribas
Arame sold by the meter (berimbau string)
Metal Agogo
Pandeiro Natural Capoeira Shop
Small Atabaque - Lê
Custom Dobrão - Laser engraving
Atabaque - RUM CS
Atabaque - RUMPI CapoeiraShop
Atabaque stand
Atabaque's support (stand) - Square
Berimbau Capoeira Regional - Mestre Nenel - Profissional
Colorful Pandeiro Mestre Lua Rasta
Atabaque Mestre Lua Rasta
Cover for Berimbau. 6 or 8 wood Grey
Cover for Berimbau. 6 or 8 wood Military
Spare Parts Pandeiro
Cover berimbau
Cabaça (natural state)
Caxixi Mestre Ivan
Biriba wood for Berimbau
Reco Reco Bamboo - Bahia
Pandeiro Mestre Lua Rasta
Atabaque - LÊ - CapoeiraShop
Cover for Berimbau - (6-8 vergas) Black Red
Cord for berimbau 3mm (rami)
Cover pandeiro - Yellow and black
Most of the time they are world-renowned masters, based in São Paulo or Salvador de Bahia, such as Mestre Nenel (the son of Mestre Bimba, the creator of Capoeira Regional!), Mestre Lua Rasta (figure of Capoeira Angola ), Mestre Valmir (FCIA Bahia) etc ... These last ones, attesting of several tens of years of know-how, accepted to establish a partnership with us to promote the Brazilian culture and more particularly capoeira around the world . Out of respect for their work, we pay special attention to our customer service, which will advise you in case of doubt or hesitation in your choices. In addition our items are packed with the utmost care to ensure a reception in the best conditions.