List of products by brand Jota R instrumentos

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Guatambu wood for Berimbau

Wood (verga) in Guatambu ready for use. Double leather on the top and varnished set. Ideal for making your own Berimbau or replacing your broken wood.Guatambu is a fairly flexible and rather light wood species, widely used in the manufacture of berimbau in the Goiania region of Brazil. The absence of a knot leaves offers a perfectly smooth and straight wood.

Berimbau - Guatambu - Jota R

Complete Berimbau made by Jota R, a craftsman / capoeirista based in São Paulo and specialized in the manufacture of Capoeira instruments. Quality guatambu wood and varnished calabash. Clear sound and excellent resonance. Pretty easy to arm. Unquestionably one of the best berimbau manufacturers. Choice of gunga, medio or viola.