CD Mestres Navegantes : Bahia vol.2


CD Mestres Navegantes : Bahia vol.2. ~72min

Nzinga group, Mestre Cobra Mansa, etc.

The musician and researcher Betão Aguiar launches on June 5th volume 2 of his project Mestres Navegantes, Bahia edition. The expedition returned to the state between 2017 and 2018, this time to the metropolitan region of Salvador and cities of Recôncavo Baiano, in order to unveil and register masters linked to Candomblé, Capoeira and Cheganças - newly declared as intangible cultural heritage of the state. , in 2018. In addition to the albums will be released two mini-docs dedicated to the masters Bule Bule and Dona Cadu, names present in the first volume. The musician counted on the research of French anthropologist and ethnomusicologist Xavier Vatin, former director of UFRB, Federal University of Recôncavo Baiano, counter-master Rosildo do Rosário and Gabriela Barreto, capoeirista and film director of Salvador (who signs along with Concrete the direction of the films of this edition). Three fundamental pieces in the interlocution of this extremely rich Afro-Brazilian ancestral web, translated in this second volume dedicated to Bahian culture.


For this collection, which includes three albums from Candomblé (Ketu, Angola and Caboclo, Jêje Mahi and Nagô), two from Capoeira (Angola 1 and Angola 2) and two from Chegança (female and mixed), the project brought together 16 communities. religious and teacher representatives of the rich musical diversity of Bahia. With these releases, Navigating Masters now totals 28 albums that bring together over 500 genuinely popular tracks from a variety of backgrounds and styles, available for free on digital platforms. The project is sponsored by Natura, through Natura Musical, and the State Government, through Fazcultura, Secretariat of Culture and Secretariat of Finance.

For the records of the songs sung on Candomblé's records, each terreiro chose a specific repertoire of its nation, a fact that allowed the constitution of a large and rare documentary collection, with works never recorded before. According to the filmmakers, documenting the musical heritage of the people of santo de Bahia represents an act of resistance against the secular oppression experienced by blacks and indigenous people in this country, against racism and growing religious intolerance. “Each community has brought what is most sacred to them. Songs and ringtones that celebrate orixás, voduns, inquiries, charms, caboclos and afro indigenous entities, proving the richness and musical diversity of our people. Each of the tracks leaves for posterity a heritage that portrays the ancestry and vitality of the universe of Brazilian popular culture, ”says Betão Aguiar.

Natural Musical - It is the main sponsorship platform of the Natura brand. Since its launch in 2005, the program has invested R $ 132 million in sponsoring 418 projects - including CDs, DVDs, concerts, books, digital collections and movies. The artistic works renew the country's musical repertoire and are recognized in national and international lists and awards. In 2018, the program announcement selected 50 projects across Brazil, including artists, bands and collectives, and established partnerships with 10 independent festivals from North to South of the country. The program's digital platform brings unprecedented music and behavior content to over half a million followers on social networks. In São Paulo, Casa Natura Musical has become a permanent showcase of Brazilian music, with about 100 shows for adults and children throughout 2018.

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