Book: Manoel Silva Mestre Boca Rica - Historias e Lições de Vida, Preciosidade da Capoeira
Author: Thercio Fabio Ponte Sabino / Luiz Augusto Normanha Lima
ISBN: 978-65-00-20778-1
Dimensions: 15cm x 21cm
83 pages
Color book, in Portuguese
texte beloow in automatic translation from portuguese, thanks for understanding.
After some years following Mestre Boca Rica's work, Thércio (Coelho) and I gathered his reports, speeches, speeches and documents in this simple book, which is also configured as a way of expressing our thanks to Mestre, one of the guardians of Capoeira, this important segment of Brazilian Culture. Mr. Manoel Silva, with his immense ability to convert into poetry the enormous legacy of the tradition of the original Capoeira precursors, and a faithful student of Mestre Pastinha, Mestre Boca Rica has, in addition to his notorious knowledge, the power to evoke, in the musicality and in the game, the fundamental principles of this genuine and epistemic Capoeira.
In the arduous and also very pleasant task of perpetuating his teachings, followers and disciples of Mestre Boca Rica must be remembered who, side by side, made possible the construction of the history of Mestre Boca Rica. His niece Rosália, for example, helped him in several works, his students, who accompanied Mestre in Largo do Tanque (Salvador-BA) and, besides her, two very important people in this trajectory: Mestre Ryck and Mônica (Onça Branca ), who gave it fundamental support in several periods. For my part, I have followed the work of Mestre Boca Rica since 1989, when I met him at a presentation in São Paulo; Thércio (Coelho), since 2005, almost twenty years of dedication, helping, promoting, taking Mestre Boca Rica to perform in various Capoeira events and now Contramestra Carol Canguçu gives him all the support, in Salvador (BA ). These people and disciples are or were with Mestre Boca Rica, always helping him, as much as possible for each one.
Our form of support, mine and Thércio's (Coelho), although small, and conceived in the form of this book, seeks to value the Master's work, to praise his so important work, the result of a lifetime dedicated to the art of Capoeira. Thus, in this record, we seek to safeguard the content that the Mestre has and that he is always producing, retelling, recreating, taking care that the best in Capoeira does not fall into oblivion. Therefore, this work reveals, in a simple way, the way of being of Mestre Boca Rica, some episodes of the life of this icon, a true bulwark of the precious that is the art of Capoeira. The words are not exaggerated: they just try to express the meaning that Mestre Boca Rica has in our Culture.
The reader can enjoy the story of Mestre Boca Rica and his life trajectory in Capoeira, told by himself. Recorded and transcribed speeches make this book a faithful and authentic plot of his life.
It goes without saying, but this is an independent production so that copyrights are not conditioned, in large part, to the publishers' profitable margins and that the income obtained from sales is fully reverted to the Mestre. Although they are not high volumes, sales contribute to a minimally dignified subsistence, and are a form of support. Therefore, it would not be fair to duplicate this book in xerocopies (unfair to the author) or make it available on online platforms that prevent the reversal of profits to the Master. We hope that readers will enjoy this life story so rich in Capoeira Culture and teachings.
Prof. Dr. Luiz Augusto Normanha Lima
Professor at Unesp – Rio Claro