Book "A Capoeira dos Tempos de Outrora no Recôncavo Baiano"
1999 Twenty years ago, in Santo Amaro de Catu (Ilha de Itaparica), the research began with the first notes and tape recordings of the author's grandfather, Felinto Nunes do Amaral, on Capoeira do Recôncavo.
2002 First audiovisual records of the author's grandfather's testimonies.
First expedition through the Recôncavo.
Conclusion of an amateur documentary about the Capoeira of the Recôncavo entitled "Velhos mestres de mandinga".
2003 Second expedition through the Recôncavo.
Meeting with Mestre Quenedi, former capoeira player from São Félix-BA, and audiovisual recording of an interview with him.
2004 Third expedition through the Recôncavo
2005 Second interview and audiovisual record of the author's grandfather's testimonies.
2007 Fourth expedition through the Recôncavo.
2008 Third interview and audiovisual record of the author's grandfather's testimonies.
Interview in Brasília-DF with Mestre Ananias, former capoeira from São Félix-BA.
2010 First interview and audiovisual record of Mestre Azulão, a former capoeira player from Nazaré das Farinhas, in Ilhéus-BA.
Fifth expedition through the Recôncavo.
2011 Second interview and audiovisual record of Mestre Azulão in Ilhéus-BA.
Sixth expedition through the Recôncavo.
2017 May 13 - launch of the book "A Capoeira dos Tempos de Outrora no Recôncavo Baiano" at the National Library of Brasília.
December - Expedition through the Recôncavo to donate copies of the book to the public libraries of Jaguaripe, Nazaré das Farinhas, Maragogipe, São Félix, Cachoeira, Santo Amaro, São Francisco do Conde, Candeias and Salvador.