CD Mestre Ananias Ao Vivo vol.1
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Ananias Ferreira (São Félix, October 4, 1924 - Bela Vista, July 21, 2016) was a capoeirista and master of Brazilian capoeira.
Young man, he worked in the cultivation of sugar cane and in the tobacco industry, before settling in Salvador, where he lived with masters of capoeira and was discovered by producers on the scene theater in São Paulo in the 1950s. In São Paulo, he founded the Centro Paulistano de Capoeira e Tradições Baianas, also known as Casa Mestre Ananias, where he conducted the capoeira and samba rounds.
Initiator of the famous "roda da praça da republica" in São Paulo.
He died on July 21, 2016, at the age of 91.
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