Children's Book: Kioni o berimbau toca Cavalaria

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Do you know Kioni's collection, A Pequena Mandingueira?

Kioni, A Pequena Mandingueira portrays the life of Kioni, a 12-year-old girl in a small African village. Using Capoeira songs as a base, Kioni's story blends the fundamentals and universe of Capoeira with cultural and traditional elements of Mozambique in Kioni's day-to-day adventures through her village and her world.

In a story in which situations and lessons are sung, and games and games are mixed with Capoeira, Kioni, A Pequena Mandingueira brings us a magical interpretation of the creation of different movements, sounds and flourishes of the body, praising Capoeira as the incredible art that she is, rescuing values of ancestral knowledge and the strengthening principles of sharing and friendship.

Check out the first books in the Collection:

- In "Lenda do Berimbau", Kioni and his friends are attracted by a sound coming from the forest. They enter a part they shouldn't and end up getting into a kind of ambush... Are they being attacked? Or were they called there?

What discoveries await Kioni?

-In “Berimbau Toque Cavalaria”, it is a beautiful day and Kioni is going to take a bath in the waterfall when she is faced with an unusual situation... What happened that disturbed the balance around her village? Is Kioni in danger? Soon she will have to face her greatest fear: the dark.

Where will Kioni find her base? How will Kioni seek her roots? Will Kioni find her strength and manage to alert the entire village?

1st edition: September 2022

Printed in Maputo, Mozambique (country of residence of the author).

ISBN: 978-65-00-59772-1

Kioni, A Little Mandingueira portrays the life of Kioni, a 12-year-old girl in a small African village. Using Capoeira music as a base, Kioni's story blends the universe of Capoeira with cultural and traditional elements of Mozambique in Kioni's day-to-day adventures in his village and her world.

In a story in which situations and lessons are sung, and games and games are mixed with Capoeira, Kioni, A Pequena Mandingueira brings us a magical interpretation of the creation of different movements, sounds and flourishes of the body, praising Capoeira as the incredible art that it is, rescuing values ​​of ancestral knowledge and strengthening the principles of sharing and friendship.

Kioni, A Pequena Mandingueira is a series of 8 books.

This is the 2nd one.

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